COFR Application and E-COFR System

This page outlines critical legal information regarding the use of the Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR) Application and E-COFR system administered by the National Pollution Funds Center. It covers important disclaimers, liability limitations, and user responsibilities when interacting with our COFR services. Understanding these terms is essential for vessel operators, financial guarantors, and other stakeholders utilizing our platform to comply with the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). Please review this information carefully to ensure your awareness of the legal framework governing COFR issuance and management.

Welcome to the Vessel Certification Division

National Pollution Funds Center

Important Notice: The COFR search function on ECOFR will be inoperable for the foreseeable future. We will post a spreadsheet containing all vessels with valid COFR listed alphabetically by vessel name. The spreadsheet will be updated daily, Monday-Friday.

About the National Pollution Funds Center

The National Pollution Funds Center is tasked with administering the vessel financial responsibility portions of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).

COFR Application Overview

The COFR Application contains information on the vessels that have been issued COFRs. The data contained therein is updated daily (Monday-Friday) as vessels are added or deleted from the list. The site also permits users to apply for, renew, change, and pay for COFR applications via the Web through the E-COFR application.

From This Site You Can:


Apply for E-COFR

Apply for a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR) and pay COFR fees via credit card online

Apply Now

Search MISLE & Vessel COFR

Search our database to see if your vessel has been approved

Search Vessels

Find Information

Access COFR information, statistics, forms, and regulations

View Resources

Contact Staff

Contact our staff via email for assistance with your COFR needs

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